by MyBonhamTexas

An important statement from mybonhamtexas.com concerning the coronavirus:

As this developing health situation surrounding the coronavirus grips the attention of our local readership, we at mybonhamtexas.com feel it is our responsibility to report the information we receive accurately and with no hype or sensationalism. We, like many others, across the nation are fearful of the damage that irresponsible or “ratings grab” reporting can do to contribute to the hysteria and panic that is already prevalent in this developing story.

We at mybonhamtexas.com have adopted a strict policy of updates and information concerning coronavirus only be sourced through official national, state and local health organizations. These organizations will include such authorities as The World Health Organization (WHO), The Center for Disease Control (CDC), Texas Health and Human Services, Fannin County Health Department and TMC Bonham.

mybonhamtexas.com management and staff feel it is important to get our readers important and accurate information and want to assure all our readers that we will not add to the hysteria concerning this situation. In short, we will not be sourcing from other media outlets. If a story appears on our website, Facebook page or newspaper it has been verified and will have come directly from one of the organizations mentioned above.

We know you will appreciate this responsible approach to reporting the news and information you need to know and you can trust us and the sources we use.

Thank you